Looking at Labels
Looking at Labels
Over the years, I’ve also come to recognize that what you put on your body is as important as what you put into it. And having control over that is one of the things I like best about making my own skin and hair care products.
So the recent New York Times article entitled, “Many Personal Care Products Contain Harmful Chemicals. Here’s What to Do About It” resonated with me. -
How Do You Roll?
You might wonder why some people swear by face rolling.
Beyond just feeling good, there is some evidence that massaging your face with a roller may boost circulation, reduce puffiness, and tighten your skin.
Keeping Skincare Simple
Keeping Skincare Simple
Your skincare routine is for the long haul, so keeping it simple can help keep you faithful. You can certainly try new and different products, but like most things in life, consistency gets results. -
Layering Your Skin Products Is a Lot Like Layering Your Clothing
Leaves are turning and temps are dropping—and your clothes aren’t the only thing you need to start layering! Layering skin products is a lot lik...